In Search of Ideology
Confucianism during Chosun Dynasty made use of painting illustrations to spread, and brainwash the commoners with virtues and principles of Confucianism. With the advantage of the illustration, which can be complied and published, and easily be carried, and spread out through out the nation, all people in all status were able to learn the basic teaching of the principle in a short time. This illustration influenced the development of paintings that other types of paintings such as paintings of daily lives (Punksukhwa) flourished from mid to late Chosun Dynasty.
Buddhism, introduced in Korea in 5C and had strong influence on the nation until the foundation of Chosun (14C), supported the commoners and rulers spiritually through mediation. The aspects of Buddhism and Confucianism are very different in a way that one is used to support and save the people though virtuous actions, while the other is used to control, and to keep the order/harmony of the society. And through the use of arts, both ideologies could effectively and efficiently achieve their goals since people even without knowledge could understand the illustrations and the image of god. It might be hard for them grasp the virtues or the image of Buddha when only words of mouth, or texts were given. However, because people at that time were not educated, the arts -- the paintings, and sculptures – had more power than now.
Tchi, Rodika. "Buddha Hand Gesture Guide: 10 Muddras." 10 Buddha Hand Gestures Placement in Your Home. About. Web. 10 Dec. 2014. <>.
Kang, Min, and Suk Yi. "Beginning of Buddhist Art (the Three Dynasty) " Click, Korean Art History. 3rd ed. Seoul: Yegyung, 2011. 416. Print.
"근대문화예술." 대구광역시중구도심재생문화재단. 도심재생문화재단, 23 Aug. 2010. Web. 10 Dec. 2014, <>.
지식채널e.121219.문화유산 시리즈 - 조선시대 초상화. EBS, 2012. Film.